Analysis and tutorials for statistics, economics, and public policy using the statistical programming language R, from R-Cran.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Look Familiar? Mapping in R
For those who have been following the R-Bloggers this picture should be yesterdays news, but there was an article on the BBC on it, full story HERE. I find it interesting how it was on Drudge Report ( which gets over 1 million hits a day. The article gives the perspective of 5 different points of view, the 'data visualization' interpretation is pretty interesting, as are the rest. For those who want to do more than just look at a pretty picture here are some links to help recreate a similar, if not better map.
Mapping the world Airlines
Worlds Largest Airlines
Data for Airlines
Tutorial on how to create the great circles
Friday, May 24, 2013
Down and Dirty Forecasting: Part 2
This is the second part of the forecasting exercise, where I am looking at a multiple regression. To keep it simple I chose the states that boarder WI and the US unemployment information for the regression. Again this is a down and dirty analysis, I would not call this complete in any sense.
Created by Pretty R at
The winner is: Regression with ARIMA Errors, for most of the analysis the simple mean like predictions dominated, even the multiple regression is considerably low on the list.
#getting the data for WI, US, IL, MI, MN, IO #Using Quandl data, great little site wi<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) us<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) il<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) mi<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) mn<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) io<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) #merging the data into one dataframe #I started with WI so that I could isolate the rest of the variables better unemp<-merge(wi, io, by='Date'); colnames(unemp)<-c('Date', 'wi', 'io') unemp<-merge(unemp, mi, by='Date'); colnames(unemp)<-c('Date', 'wi', 'io', 'mi') unemp<-merge(unemp, mn, by='Date'); colnames(unemp)<-c('Date', 'wi', 'io', 'mi', 'mn') unemp<-merge(unemp, us, by='Date'); colnames(unemp)<-c('Date', 'wi', 'io', 'mi', 'mn', 'us') unemp<-merge(unemp, il, by='Date'); colnames(unemp)<-c('Date', 'wi', 'io', 'mi', 'mn', 'us', 'il') save(unemp, file='Unemployment WI.RData') library(car) library(lmtest) library(forecast) load('Unemployment WI.RData') unemp.b<-unemp[1:436,] unemp.p<-unemp[437:448,] plot(unemp$Date, unemp$us, col='black',
main='Unemployment WI Region', type='l', xlab='Date',
ylab='Unemp. Rate', ylim=c(2, 17)) lines(unemp$Date, unemp$il, col='blue') lines(unemp$Date, unemp$io, col='dark green') lines(unemp$Date, unemp$mi, col='purple') lines(unemp$Date, unemp$mn, col='gray') lines(unemp$Date, unemp$wi, col='red') leg.txt<-c('US', 'IL', 'IO', 'MI', 'MN', "WI") leg.col<-c('black','blue', 'dark green', 'purple', 'gray', 'red') legend('topleft', leg.txt, col=leg.col, pch=15) summary(unemp) #correlation matrix cm<-cor(unemp[,-1]) cm #From the graph and correlation matrix, everything
#is highly correlated, the lowest r value is 0.7879
#between Iowa and US. #plots of each of the data, then each individual,
#everything looks really good, nice linear trends,
#although Michigan has quite bit of volatility
#compared to the other variables. plot(unemp.b, pch='.') model<-lm(wi~., data=unemp.b[,-1]) step.m<-step(model, direction='backward') summary(step.m) #testing for outliers outlierTest(step.m) # After conducting the outlier test, looks like it is michigan #Sept 1980 where unemployment was 13.2 percent, point 57 is #close at 12.9 those are the two biggest, but the outlierTest #isolated row 56 dwtest(step.m) dwtest(step.m, alternative='two.sided') #yep lots of autocorrelation, so a multiple ARAIMA might be in order pred<-unemp.p[3:7] mult.f<-predict(step.m, newdata=pred, interval='prediction') a1<-accuracy(mult.f, unemp.p$wi) #because the MASE is missing I needed to add the following to compare later a1<-c(a1,'0') names(a1)<-c("ME", "RMSE", "MAE", "MPE", "MAPE", "MASE") # ARIMA auto.r<-auto.arima(unemp.b$wi, xreg=unemp.b[,3:7]) auto.r auto.f<-forecast(auto.r, xreg=unemp.p[,3:7], h=12) a2<-accuracy(auto.f, unemp.p$wi) a2 #Just remember that the 0 is just a place holder r.table<-rbind(a1, a2) row.names(r.table)<-c('Multiple Regression', 'Reg. with ARIMA Errors') r.table
At this point I combined the two accuracy tables to see which one was the best.
b.table<-rbind(a.table[,1:6], r.table) b.table<-b.table[order(b.table$MAPE),] b.table
The winner is: Regression with ARIMA Errors, for most of the analysis the simple mean like predictions dominated, even the multiple regression is considerably low on the list.
ARIMA regression,
Down and Dirty Forecasting: Part 1
I wanted to see what I could do in a hurry using the commands found at Forecasting: Principles and Practice . I chose a simple enough data set of Wisconsin Unemployment from 1976 to the present (April 2013). I kept the last 12 months worth of data to test the accuracy of the models. The next blog post will include a multiple regression analysis. The analysis is lacking many important steps, particularly the ARIMA, but this is a down and dirty exercise.
Created by Pretty R at
Results so far: Looks like the mean like forecasts are doing the best, the fancy models are not doing very well.
library(forecast) library(lmtest) library(caret) #State Unemployment seasonally adjusted # #Using Quandl data, great little site wi<-read.csv('', colClasses=c('Date'='Date')) #some minor clean up colnames(wi)<-c('date', 'rate') wi$date<-as.Date(wi$date) summary(wi) #base data, 1-436, test data 437-448 wi.b<-wi[1:436,] wi.p<-wi[437:448,] wi.ts<-ts(wi.b$rate, start=c(1976, 1), frequency=12) wi.p.ts<-ts(wi.p$rate, start=c(2012, 5), frequency=12) plot.ts(wi.ts) #Lets test some models mean<-meanf(wi.ts, 12) naive<-rwf(wi.ts, 12) s.naive<-snaive(wi.ts, 12) drift<-rwf(wi.ts, 12, drift=T) #linear fit m1<-tslm(wi.ts~trend) m2<-tslm(wi.ts~trend+season) #checking for autocorrelation res1 <- residuals(m1) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(res1, ylab="Residuals",xlab="Year") Acf(res1, main="ACF of residuals") res2 <- residuals(m2) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(res2, ylab="Residuals",xlab="Year") Acf(res2, main="ACF of residuals") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) #Durbin-Watson Test dwtest(m1, alt="two.sided") dwtest(m2, alt="two.sided") #yep autocorrelation city! No surprize here, due to the nature of unemployment #STL ETS Decomposition m3<-stl(wi.ts, s.window='periodic') plot(m3) m4<-ets(wi.ts, model='ZZZ') plot(m4) #ARIMA m5<-auto.arima(wi.ts) plot(forecast(m5, h=12))
#neural networks m6<-nnetar(wi.ts) m6 plot(forecast(m6, h=12)) #Testing for accuracy the first 4 models a1<-accuracy(mean, wi.p.ts) a2<-accuracy(naive, wi.p.ts) a3<-accuracy(s.naive, wi.p.ts) a4<-accuracy(drift, wi.p.ts) a.table<-rbind(a1, a2, a3, a4) #Creating the forecast and accuracy for the next 6 models f1<-forecast(m1, h=12) f2<-forecast(m2, h=12) f3<-forecast(m3, h=12) f4<-forecast(m4, h=12) f5<-forecast(m5, h=12) f6<-forecast(m6, h=12) a5<-accuracy(f1, wi.p.ts) a6<-accuracy(f2, wi.p.ts) a7<-accuracy(f3, wi.p.ts) a8<-accuracy(f4, wi.p.ts) a9<-accuracy(f5, wi.p.ts) a10<-accuracy(f6, wi.p.ts) #Combining into a table with row names a.table<-rbind(a.table, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10) row.names(a.table)<-c('Mean', 'Naive', 'S. Naive', 'Drift', 'Lm~Trend', 'Lm~Trend+Sea', 'STL', 'ETS', 'ARIMA', 'Neuro') #make into a data frame so the best model is first, according to MAPE a.table< a.table<-a.table[order(a.table$MAPE),] a.table
Results so far: Looks like the mean like forecasts are doing the best, the fancy models are not doing very well.
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